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Dear colleagues and friends,

You are cordially invited to submit your research paper (English only and in PDF files) to the first Policy-oriented Research in Islamic Economics and Finance Conference (PRIME) will take place on 17 – 18 July 2023 at Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia. 

Conference Theme   

“On the Development of Islamic Economic Policies for a More Sustainable Post-Pandemic Recovery”



This call for paper focuses but is not limited to the following subthemes. 

  • Islamic Macroeconomic Policy for the Post-Pandemic Recovery

  • Islamic Monetary Policy for the Post-Pandemic Recovery

  • Islamic Blended Finance and Acceleration of Green Energy Transition

  • Islamic Micro Finance and financing for Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs)

  • Islamic Economics and Healthy Green Sukuk Growth

  • The Islamic Economics Development on The Local Government

  • Regional Government Innovation Based on Islamic Economics and Local Wisdom to Strengthen the National Economy

  • Islamic Economic Innovations in Halal Industry

  • Islamic Social Finance

  • Islamic Fintech 

  • Islamic Capital Markets

Note:   Indonesia setting is highly recommended. Authors may also employ data or evidence from any other country, but draw their lessons learned for Indonesia.

Main Events 

  • Call for Paper

  • Workshop Enhancement PRIME

  • Conference Event

  • Workshop Enhancement  & Mentoring with Journal Editors

  • Journal Publication Opportunity

Important Dates 

  • Launching PRIME: January 26, 2023 (Online)

  • Call for Paper Starting Date: January 21, 2023

  • Extended Abstract Submission Deadline: March 10, 2023

  • Review Extended Abstract: March 1-14, 2023

  • Acceptance Announcement Extended Abstract: March 15, 2023

  • Workshop Enhancement PRIME: March 17, 2023 (Online)

  • Full Paper Submission Deadline: May 31, 2023

  • Review Process: June 1-15, 2023

  • Acceptance Announcement: June 19, 2023

  • Conference Event: July 17-18, 2023

  • Workshop Enhancement & Mentoring: August 2023 (Online)


Author Benefit 

  1. Free registration fee

  2. Accommodation and transportation allowance for finalists: 1 person per paper 

  3. Best Paper Awards

  4. Publication opportunities

  5. Workshop with policy makers

  6. Workshop with journal editor

General Requirements

  1. The parties involved in the judging process are not allowed to be the first and/or correspondence author on the call for paper IAEI 2023.

  2. The finalists of the paper will present their paper at the Conference in 2023. If the finalists are a group, the first and/or correspondence author is the one who presents. The second and third authors can assist in the question-and-answer session.

  3. The committee will select 12 papers finalists, who will be invited to present these papers at the Conference series of activities.

  4. 2 winning papers will be selected

  5. The committee will cover the accommodation and transportation costs for the finalists (1 person for each paper) which consists of direct flights/economy class.

  6. Paper is original work, free from plagiarism or auto-plagiarism (maximum plagiarism rate of 20%), has never been published, and has never won in other competitions conducted by IAEI.

  7. Call for Paper participants are required to upload participant personal data 

  8. The results of the jury's decision cannot be contested.

Extended Abstract Submission 

  1. An extended abstract of 1500 words should be submitted, which should provide a brief background of the topic, aims of the paper and the research questions, the methodology and method used, concepts developed (if conceptual paper) and the findings (if empirical paper) (or expected findings).

  2. Please also add a short biography (not a CV, maximum 100 words each author) identifying your title, present post and rank, affiliation details, and email.

Paper Submission 

Paper Appraisement 

  1. Contains solutions to solve the current problems of the Indonesian Islamic finance industry.

  2. Use academic language or scientific papers, not popular language styles such as popular books or newspaper articles.  

  3. In the chapter on analysis and policy implications, there should be more numbers than in the supporting chapter.

  4. The writing shows that the paper offers a solution and not just the application of a theory.  

  5. The committee only accepts papers that comply with the conditions set by the committee.  

  6. The judging is conducted using a Blind Referee system consisting of Regulators, Practitioners, and Academics. 

  7. The author of a scientific paper can be one person or a team with a maximum of three members.

  8. Using English


Manuscript Preparation Guidelines 

  1. The manuscript should be written in English (British or American is welcome as far as consistent). The length of the manuscript is between 6,000 s.d. 7,000 words (including all parts of the manuscripts excluding appendices), typed 2 space, Times New Roman, font size 12, and left margin, right, top, and bottom are all 2.54 cm each on A4 size paper.

  2. Scientific manuscripts follow the format and structure of the writing as follows:

    • Title consisting of  the author(s)’ name(s), Institution(s), and email(s)

    • Abstract and keyword (with title mentioned)

    • Introduction 

    • Literature review

    • Methods

    • Result and discussion

    • Conclusion

    • Policy Recommendation

    • References


Content of The Manuscript 

  • Title. The title should be brief, short, clear, and informative which reflects the article content. The length of the title is a maximum of 15 words. Each word of the title should be started with a capitalized letter.

  • Author(s)’ name(s), institutions, and email addresses. The author’s name(s) should be accompanied by the author’s institutions, affiliation address, and email addresses, without any academic titles and/or job titles.

  • Abstract. The abstract should be a maximum of 150 words. The Abstract contains a clear statement of the background of the study, the purpose of the study, method, result, and implication or recommendation, with no references cited.

  • Introduction. The introduction describes the rationale of the research, problem statement, purposes of study, novelty, and hypothesis.

  • Literature Review. This section may include the theoretical framework and some previous studies that have been conducted. 

  • Methods include a) the types and sources of data that describe data and information collection techniques, and b) the data analysis method. 

  • Result and Discussion. The result presents the empirical findings of the research conducted, while the discussion discusses the finding obtained. Discussion should show relevance between the results and the field of investigation and/or hypotheses.

  • Conclusions should reflect results obtained in light of the research objectives. 

  • Policy Recommendations. Concrete policy implications and recommendations (especially for Indonesia) are highly expected.    

  • References. This section lists only the papers, books, or other types of publications referred to in the manuscript. References should be the last 10 years publication with a minimum 80% of primary literature (journal and proceeding). References should be listed alphabetically by the author(s) last name(s) and the year of publication. We suggest authors use reference management software like EndNote, Mendeley, Zotero, etc., to prepare citations and the list of references.


Bibliography Provisions 

  1. Journal: author’s name, year, article title (between two quotes), journal  name (italics), volume, number, and page, as follows: 
    - Allen, F and Gale, D. 2004. Financial Fragility, Liquidity, and Asset Prices. Journal of the European Economic Association, Vol. 2, No. 6, 1015-1048.

  2. Book: author's name (if more than one word, last name used as an entry), year, book title (italics), publisher city, and publisher, as follows: 
    - Mansuri, M.T. 2007. Sharia Maxims on Financial Matter. Islamabad: International Institute of Islamic Economics.

  3. Books consisting of several articles: author's name (if more than one word, last name used as an entry), year, article title, the editor's name (if more than one word, last name used as an entry), book title (italics)), publisher city page, and publisher, as follows: 
    - Al-Jahri, M.A. 2002. Transactions in Conventional and Islamic Economics: A Comparison Ahmed, H., Theoretical Foundations of Islamic Economics, 87-100. Jeddah: Islamic Research and Training Institute.

  4. Internet: author's name (if more than one word, last name used as an entry), year, article title, site address, and download date, as follows: 
    - Schaik, D. 2010. Islamic Banking. The Arab Bank Review, 3 (1), from, download 14 June 2010 .

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